My Child is Getting in Trouble at School What is best 2 do?

My Child is Getting in Trouble at School What is best 2 do?

My Child is Getting in Trouble at School What is best 2 do?
My Child is Getting in Trouble at School What is best 2 do?

Kids act out for a reason. The way kids learn is through replication of what they see and experience. School itself is counter-intuitive to the way children learn and can cause school trauma that leads to school refusal. There are a lot of reasons why your child might be getting anxious, angry, having problems focusing, having trouble sitting still, getting into fights with other kids, getting poor grades, and showing a lack of motivation.

Sure, they might have ADHD, chronic anxiety, depression, or social anxiety but there also may be a lot of other reasons for their behavior. Regardless of what is going on, children are resilient and with the right help they can stabilize and have satisfaction, safety, and fulfillment in their life. If you are the parent of a struggling child, call us, let’s talk!

Providing therapy support for children and families experiencing problems at school in Los Angeles, Pasadena, Burbank, and Santa Monica…

My Child is Getting in Trouble at School? What is best 2 do?

Growth and Change Counseling has been in the trenches helping parents and their children resolve problems with school behavior, school trauma, and school refusal. We have therapists all over the state of california that can support you. What you are dealing with is far too common. Call us for a consult at 408-461-9658.
